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10 Reasons how including flax seed in your diet can change your life

Amazing Health Benefits of Flaxseeds   Flax seed is known as “Wonder Food”, “Super Food” and “Functional Food”. This is because of its vast health benefits in your body when you start including it in your diet. In Asia, it has a major role in Ayurveda for thousands of years. This wonder food plays a vital role in prevention from many diseases. It is an alternative protein source for vegetarian people. It is loaded with nutrients. Flax seed is richest source of a plant based Omega-3, Fatty acids called alpha-linoleic acid, and richest source of lignans. Flax seeds   Let’s find out about the health benefits of this tiny wonder food. 1.   Weight Loss- Flax seed is rich in Fiber and Protein. So, when you consume a teaspoon of Flaxseed you feel full for longer. It keeps hunger at bay. This is Gluten free, antioxidant and helps in better digestion of food. This prevents you from overeating and helps you cut calories. Thus helpi

10 Reasons how including flax seed in your diet can change your life

Amazing Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

Flax seed is known as “Wonder Food”, “Super Food” and “Functional Food”. This is because of its vast health benefits in your body when you start including it in your diet. In Asia, it has a major role in Ayurveda for thousands of years.

This wonder food plays a vital role in prevention from many diseases. It is an alternative protein source for vegetarian people. It is loaded with nutrients. Flax seed is richest source of a plant based Omega-3, Fatty acids called alpha-linoleic acid, and richest source of lignans.

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Flax seeds

Let’s find out about the health benefits of this tiny wonder food.

1. Weight Loss- Flax seed is rich in Fiber and Protein. So, when you consume a teaspoon of Flaxseed you feel full for longer. It keeps hunger at bay. This is Gluten free, antioxidant and helps in better digestion of food. This prevents you from overeating and helps you cut calories. Thus helping you lose weight. (Weight loss)

2. Improves Heart Health- Flax seed is the richest source of Lignans in human diet. It maintains heart rhythm mainly due to the content of Omega-3 Fatty acid, lignan and Fibre. (Heart health)

3. Regulates Blood Cholestrol- The high Fibre and Lignan content of Flax seed can lower cholesterol level. Several studies show daily consumption of Flax seed can lower cholesterol by 6-11%. (Cholestrol)

4. Lowers blood pressure- Including Flax seed in your diet is an effective way to lower blood pressure. Consuming 3 tablespoon (30 grams) of Flax seed is said to reduce 10 and 7 mm Hg in systolic and diastolic blood pressure respectively. (Blood pressure)

5. Helps control Diabetes- Flax seeds may lower blood sugar due to their insoluble fiber content. A few studies have found that people with type 2 diabetes who added 10–20 grams of flaxseed powder to their daily diet for at least one month saw reductions of 8–20% in blood sugar levels. (Diabetes)

6. Improves Digestive Health- Several studies have found that flax seeds prevent both diarrhea and constipation. The insoluble fiber content in flax seeds adds bulk to your digestive waste, acting as a laxative and relieving constipation. (Digestion)

7. Reduces risk of cancer- Presence of Omega-3 and Lignans may help prevent different types of cancer cells from growing. It can also slow tumor growth by preventing them from forming new blood vessels. During clinical trials, researchers have concluded that flaxseed has the potential to reduce the growth of tumors in patients with breast cancer, mainly postmenopausal women, and decrease the risk of this type of cancer. (Cancer)

8. Breast pain (mastalgia). Taking flaxseed powder daily for 2 months seems to reduce breast pain that occurs at the start of the menstrual cycle.

9. Relief during Menopause- Ground flax seed may also help with menopausal symptoms. One study showed that 40 grams per day may be similar to hormone therapy for improving mild menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats. (Menopause)

10. Amazing benefit of Flax seed for Hair and Skin- Flaxseeds can be used to promote hair growth and improve the overall quality of hair and scalp in a number of ways. Flax Seeds contains antioxidants, Vitamins & Omega 3, 6 & 9 that help the skin, is an excellent anti-wrinkle treatment and it also helps close open pores.

How to eat Flax seeds?

Most important thing is you should never eat whole Flaxseed. You should always use Ground Flaxseed to get the best benefits. Flaxseeds, when not chewed properly, can go undigested, flushed out of your system without actually providing any benefit.

If you buy whole flaxseeds, grind as needed and have them in just about anything. You can also dry roast the seeds & Ground them. Be sure to refrigerate the powder in an air tight container. Do not store ground flax seed for long period of time. Grounded flax seed should be prepared and stored for 7-10 days. Best way to consume the super food is as a part of daily fluid intake. Have it early in the morning or before bedtime with warm water.

You should not consume Flax seeds with too little water which can worsen constipation and may lead to an intestinal blockage.

How much do you need?

The health benefits described above were observed with 1 tablespoon (10 grams) of flax seeds per day. Recommended dose of Flax seed per day is 2-4 tablespoon of ground Flax seeds per day. You should not over consume the Flax seeds due to its high nutritional properties.

How does Flax seed taste?

Having these many benefits, obvious doubt one would have is "does it taste bad"? Good news is- "No it does not taste bad". It tastes clean, crisp and lightly nutty. It has slightly earlier flavour.

Who should avoid Flax Seeds?

Being loaded with multiple nutrients, precaution must be taken by certain individuals

·    Pregnant and Lactating women

·    People taking blood thinning medication.

·    If you have diabetes and use flaxseed, monitor your blood sugar levels closely.


When it comes to nutritional goodness, Flax seed is full of it. They can be used to improve digestive health, helps in weight loss, lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer and may benefit for diabetic people.

Being a versatile food ingredient and wide availability, this superfood is easy to add in your diet. Given the proven health benefits, go get some Flax seeds from your nearby grocery store.


  1. Very informative article. I should include flax seed to my diet.


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